Delicious, nutrient packed, and drop dead delicious,  avocados are some of the most versatile and sexy produce out there. Here are our 5 favorite ways to utilize them at home.

Plastic Free Organic Tampons
1.  Comb it. 🥑 Avocado makes an amazing hair  hair masque. The same healthy fats that are good for you are also stellar at repairing dry, brittle or damaged hair.

2. Spike it. 🥑 Like.. with tequila. Avocado adds a savory quality to your everyday margarita without  tasting (at all) like guac-in-a-glass. These avo-margs will delight your guests and have them clamoring for a refill.

3. Rub it all over your face. 🥑 Avocado contains vitamins A, B, C, and E, naturally fatty acids and antioxidants which soften skin, fight acne, and reduce redness. Combined with a few of many household ingredients, a DIY avocado face mask can help with excessive oiliness and shrink your pores.

4. Step in it. 🥑 A dried avocado pit, once dried for a few days, easily  breaks down into a glorious natural exfoliant. We love as a scrub for tiered or callused feet!!

5. EAT IT.  🥑 Duh. It’s a superfood! Avocados contains high amounts of important vitamins like A, B, C, E and K; tons of fiber,  protein, healthy monounsaturated fats, folates, and antioxidants.  Oh, and it’s flipping D E L I S H !!! We recommend a little salt & lemon juice on some toast – maybe add an egg or some chili flakes if you’re feeling feisty.

In summary: No matter what you do with this glorious “butter fruit” .. You really can’t go wrong! 🥑🥑🥑

How to use Cardboard Applicator Tampons